Core : Cana Swamp_core1

Id : 306
Author(s) :
Mitchell Power
Contributor(s) :
Mitchell Power
Site : Cana Swamp
Name Cana Swamp_core1
Site Cana Swamp
Coordinates Longitude : -77.58, Latitude : 7.75
Water depth (m)
Coring date
Core type

age_model_Cana Swamp_core1

method: smoothing spline


Depth (cm) Age(Error +/-) (cal BP) Age calibrated (cal BP) Units Calibration method (version) Laboratory number Date type Material dated
0 0 (0/0) -50 radiocarbon years BP Top of core estimated (1950 AD = 0) -- NEW Unknown
9.32 3680 (110/110) radiocarbon years BP Beta-27719 C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
9.32 (0/0) 4013 radiocarbon years BP Beta-27719 C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
Analyses of Cana Swamp_core1_serie_1
Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
9.691 4218 3.84 < 0.33 cm3
9.424 4098 2.01 < 0.33 cm3
8.953 3882 4.51 < 0.33 cm3
7.843 3336 5.86 < 0.33 cm3
6.831 2837 1.53 < 0.33 cm3
5.688 2354 3.17 < 0.33 cm3
4.826 2006 23.65 < 0.33 cm3
3.951 1620 1.73 < 0.33 cm3
3.122 1224 3.36 < 0.33 cm3
2.469 912 23.36 < 0.33 cm3
2.233 804 0.57 < 0.33 cm3
2.136 760 1.25 < 0.33 cm3
2.011 704 1.53 < 0.33 cm3
0.731 208 < 0.33 cm3
0.274 53 < 0.33 cm3
0 -38 < 0.33 cm3