Core : Botucatu_core1

Id : 405
Author(s) :
Mitchell Power
Contributor(s) :
Mitchell Power
Site : Botucatu
Name Botucatu_core1
Site Botucatu
Coordinates Longitude : -48, Latitude : -23
Water depth (m)
Coring date
Core type


method: smoothing spline


Depth (cm) Age(Error +/-) (cal BP) Age calibrated (cal BP) Units Calibration method (version) Laboratory number Date type Material dated
0 -50 (0/0) radiocarbon years BP Top of core estimated (1950 AD = 0) -- NEW Unknown
0.65 3040 (180/180) radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
0.65 (0/0) 3225 radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
0.85 4150 (110/110) radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
0.85 (0/0) 4682 radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
1.05 4830 (70/70) radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
1.05 (0/0) 5571 radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
1.25 5500 (70/70) radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
1.25 (0/0) 6292 radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
1.85 6080 (300/300) radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
1.85 (0/0) 6938 radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
2.25 8000 (430/430) radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
2.25 (0/0) 8892 radiocarbon years BP C14 date (uncorrected) Unknown
Analyses of Botucatu_core1_serie_1
Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
2.25 8896 2.15 > 10 cm3
2.15 8373 1.41 > 10 cm3
2.06 7908 1.24 > 10 cm3
1.95 7476 0.56 > 10 cm3
1.85 7131 3.85 > 10 cm3
1.75 6903 2.43 > 10 cm3
1.65 6754 2.55 > 10 cm3
1.56 6653 1.24 > 10 cm3
1.45 6556 4.31 > 10 cm3
1.35 6441 10.03 > 10 cm3
1.25 6261 31.7 > 10 cm3
1.16 6002 10.2 > 10 cm3
1.06 5642 8.9 > 10 cm3
0.96 5203 7.88 > 10 cm3
0.86 4662 4.87 > 10 cm3
0.75 4057 2.72 > 10 cm3
0.66 3443 3.28 > 10 cm3
0.55 2838 2.72 > 10 cm3
0.46 2289 1.7 > 10 cm3
0.35 1729 > 10 cm3
0.25 1238 > 10 cm3
0.15 722 1.24 > 10 cm3
0.05 239 0.56 > 10 cm3