Core : Ringarooma Humus site 2_core1

Id : 796
Author(s) :
John Dodson
Contributor(s) :
John Dodson
Site : Ringarooma Humus site 2
Name Ringarooma Humus site 2_core1
Site Ringarooma Humus site 2
Coordinates Longitude : 147.61, Latitude : -41.3
Water depth (m)
Coring date
Core type

age_model_Ringarooma Humus site 2_core1

method: not known


Depth (cm) Age(Error +/-) (cal BP) Age calibrated (cal BP) Units Calibration method (version) Laboratory number Date type Material dated
0 0 (0/0) 0 radiocarbon years BP Top of core Unknown
0.10000000149012 200 (0/0) radiocarbon years BP Estimated Unknown
Analyses of Ringarooma Humus site 2_core1_serie_1
Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
0.16 320 1.9 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.15 300 0.3 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.14 280 1.5 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.13 260 3.5 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.12 240 1.6 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.11 220 0.4 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.1 200 2.5 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.09 180 1.4 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.08 160 0.4 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.07 140 0.6 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.06 120 0.5 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.05 100 0.1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.04 80 0.1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.03 60 0.1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.02 40 0.2 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.01 20 0.3 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0 0 0.6 0.71 < 1.5 cm3