Serie : Tuskegee Pond_core1_serie_2

Id : 149
Author(s) :
Scott Meeks
Contributor(s) :
Core : Tuskegee Pond_core1


Serie name Tuskegee Pond_core1_serie_2
Core Tuskegee Pond_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit µm2/cm2/yr (Influx)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Declourt, H.R. and P.A. Delcourt, 1997. Pre-Columbian Native American Use of Fire on Southern Appalachian Landscapes. Conservation Biology 11:1010-14
Meeks, S.C., 2004. The Influence of Pre-EuroAmerican Fires on Long Leaf Pine Forests in the Southern Appalachians: Evidence from 10,000-Year Pollen and Charcoal Records from the Cahaba Pond Site, East-Central Alabama. Manuscript on file at the Departmen
Meeks, S.C., 2005. Paleoecological Analysis of Sediments from Mound G Pond, Shiloh Indian Mounds, Tennessee. Report submitted to the National Park Service.
Delcourt, H.R., P.A. Delcourt, and E.C. Spiker, 1983. A 12,000-Year Record of Forest History from Cahaba Pond, St. Clair County, Alabama. Ecology 64(4):874-887.
Delcourt, P.A., H.R. Delcourt, P.A. Cridelbaugh, and J. Chapman, 1986. Holocene Ethnobotanical and Paleoecological Record of Human Impact on Vegetation in the Lower Little Tennessee River Valley, Tennessee. Quaternary Research 25:330-349.
Delcourt, P.A., H.R. Delcourt, C.R. Ison, W. E. Sharp, and K.J. Gremillion, 1998. Prehistoric Human Use of Fire, The Eastern Agricultural Complex, and Appalachian Oak-Chestnut Forests: Paleoecology of Cliff Palace Pond, Kentucky. American Antiquity 63(2
Delcourt, P.A. and H.R. Delcourt, 1998. Forest Dynamics and Fire History at Curt Pond, Pulaski County, Kentucky. Report submitted to USDA Forest Service, Daniel Boone National Forest, Winchester, Kentucky.
Delcourt, P.A. and H.R. Delcourt, 1997. Report of Paleoecological Investigations, Cliff Palace Pond, Jackson County, Kentucky. Report submitted to USDA Forest Service, Daniel Boone National Forest, Winchester, Kentucky.
Cridlebaugh, P.A., 1984. American Indian and Euro-American Impact upon Holocene Vegetation in the Lower Little Tennessee River Valley, East Tennessee. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
2 1358.2 0.06 unknown
1.9 944.7 0.19 unknown
1.88 726.8 0.56 unknown
1.83 661.5 0.42 unknown
1.8 598.3 3.14 unknown
1.78 525.9 0.45 unknown
1.75 407.6 0.25 unknown
1.73 294.6 0.59 unknown
1.7 291.2 7.62 unknown
1.6 268.4 4.7 unknown
1.5 192.4 20.59 unknown
1.4 181 18.66 unknown
1.3 176.4 18.24 unknown
1.2 166.6 8.18 unknown
1.1 132.4 4.01 unknown
1 113.5 4.23 unknown
0.9 103.7 5.59 unknown
0.8 45 6.6 unknown
0.7 15 4.05 unknown
0.6 -14 3.96 unknown
0.55 -29 1.78 unknown