Serie name | Head_core1_serie_1 |
Core | Head_core1 |
Data Source | Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0 |
Proxy | Sedimentary charcoal |
Proxy unit | unknown (Unknown) |
Proxy method treatment | Unknown |
Proxy method counting | Unknown |
Shafer, D.S. 1989. The timing of late Quaternary monsoon precipitation maxima in the southwest United States.Dissertation. University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA. |
Jodry, M.A., D.S. Shafer, D.J. Stanford, and O.K. Davis. 1989. Late Quaternary environments and human adaptation in the San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado. Pages 189-208 in Water in the valley: a 1989 perspective on water supplies, issues, & solution |
Depth up (cm) | Depth middle (cm) | Depth down (cm) | Age up (cal BP) | Age middle (cal BP) | Age down (cal BP) | Volume (cm³) | Quantity | Sample size |
1.1 | 15818.46 | 1 | unknown | |||||
0.57 | 11811.4 | 198 | unknown | |||||
0.53 | 11508.98 | 7 | unknown | |||||
0.47 | 11055.27 | 16 | unknown | |||||
0.44 | 10799.16 | 21 | unknown | |||||
0.42 | 10562.56 | 468 | unknown | |||||
0.37 | 9496.53 | 275 | unknown | |||||
0.34 | 8428.44 | 454 | unknown | |||||
0.32 | 7584.86 | 134 | unknown | |||||
0.3 | 6681.69 | 49 | unknown | |||||
0.27 | 5300.74 | 1461 | unknown | |||||
0.25 | 4419.67 | 478 | unknown | |||||
0.23 | 3607.29 | 116 | unknown | |||||
0.17 | 1509.78 | 1510 | unknown | |||||
0.13 | 270.45 | 3000 | unknown | |||||
0.1 | 148.68 | 226 | unknown | |||||
0.07 | 92.37 | 2480 | unknown | |||||
0.03 | 17.3 | 222 | unknown |