Serie : Camillan Wood_core1_serie_1

Id : 542
Author(s) :
Claire Jones
Contributor(s) :
Core : Camillan Wood_core1


Serie name Camillan Wood_core1_serie_1
Core Camillan Wood_core1
Data Source digitized
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit particle/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Mitchell, F.J.G. 1988. The Vegetational History of the Killarney Oakwoods, SW Ireland: Evidence from Fine Spatial Resolution Pollen Analysis. The Hournal of Ecology 76 (2): 415-437.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
1.84 8622.08 1 unknown
1.61 7629.8 1 unknown
1.47 7025.8 unknown
1.35 6507.93 unknown
1.24 6028.01 unknown
1.12 5485.9 unknown
1.02 5009.27 2 unknown
0.9 4395.04 2 unknown
0.78 3721.86 unknown
0.66 3002.13 unknown
0.43 1657.69 unknown
0.33 1154.56 9 unknown
0.26 848.77 unknown
0.19 574.98 unknown
0.17 501.43 unknown
0.14 394.23 unknown
0.11 290.19 1 unknown
0.08 188.62 unknown
0.04 55.88 unknown
0.02 -9.79 unknown
0 -75.27 unknown