Serie : Buxton_core1_serie_1

Id : 625
Author(s) :
Merna McKenzie
Contributor(s) :
Core : Buxton_core1


Serie name Buxton_core1_serie_1
Core Buxton_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit µm2/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
McKenzie, G.M. (2002) The late Quaternary vegetation history of the south-central highlands of Victoria, Australia. II. Sites below 900m. Austral Ecology 27: 32–54


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
2.1 7200.56 1237 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
2.05 7069.21 755 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
2 6957.36 1509 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.95 6863.14 818 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.9 6784.68 899 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.85 6720.1 748 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.8 6667.55 2128 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.75 6625.14 1933 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.7 6591.02 945 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.65 6563.32 1348 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.6 6540.16 1686 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.55 6519.67 1482 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.5 6500 940 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.45 6479.26 306 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.4 6455.59 1111 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.35 6427.13 1529 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.3 6392 2124 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.25 6348.33 1933 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.2 6294.26 821 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.15 6227.91 1741 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.1 6147.42 412 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1.05 6050.92 2508 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
1 5936.55 1810 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.95 5802.42 1351 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.9 5646.68 1154 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.8 5262.87 1224 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.75 5031.06 1471 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.7 4770.16 1326 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.65 4478.3 666 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.6 4153.61 1137 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.55 3794.23 575 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.5 3398.27 1500 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.45 2963.88 1438 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.4 2489.19 326 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.35 1972.32 783 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.3 1411.41 458 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.25 804.59 1064 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.2 100 1030 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.15 50 651 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.1 0 694 0.34 < 0.7 cm3
0.05 -50 1071 0.34 < 0.7 cm3