Serie : Bonatoa_core1_serie_1

Id : 643
Author(s) :
Geoff Hope
Contributor(s) :
Core : Bonatoa_core1


Serie name Bonatoa_core1_serie_1
Core Bonatoa_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit µm2/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Hope, G.S. 1996. Quaternary change and historical biogeography of Pacific Islands. Pp. 165-190 in A. Keast & S.E. Miller (eds.), The Origin and Evolution of Pacific Island Biotas, New Guinea to Eastern Polynesia: Patterns and Process. Amsterdam, SPB Publ
Hope G.S. O’Dea, D. and Southern, W. 1999. Holocene vegetation histories in the Western Pacific - alternative records of human impact. In I. Lilley and J-C. Galipaud, (eds.), Colonisation of the Pacific 3000-2000 BP. Port Vila, ORSTOM.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
4 5407 8 unknown
3.8 4935 60 unknown
3.6 4463 78 unknown
3.4 3991 44 unknown
3.2 3518 42 unknown
3 3046 52 unknown
2.95 2928 48 unknown
2.9 2810 7 unknown
2.85 2756 4 unknown
2.82 2723 6 unknown
2.8 2701 4 unknown
2.75 2647 2 unknown
2.7 2592 2 unknown
2.65 2538 2 unknown
2.6 2483 2 unknown
2.4 2265 10 unknown
2.2 2075 8 unknown
2 1885 32 unknown
1.8 1695 38 unknown
1.6 1505 123 unknown
1.4 1315 42 unknown
1.2 1123 44 unknown
1 931 48 unknown
0.8 739 26 unknown
0.6 547 84 unknown
0.4 355 98 unknown
0.2 162 395 unknown
0 -30 260 unknown