Serie : North Torbreck_core1_serie_1

Id : 702
Author(s) :
Merna McKenzie
Contributor(s) :
Core : North Torbreck_core1


Serie name North Torbreck_core1_serie_1
Core North Torbreck_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit µm2/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
McKenzie, G.M. (2002) The late Quaternary vegetation history of the south-central highlands of Victoria, Australia. II. Sites below 900m. Austral Ecology 27: 32–54


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
1.05 13479.87 900 unknown
1 13246.8 850 unknown
0.95 12972.61 1250 unknown
0.9 12657.3 1000 unknown
0.85 12300.87 10331 unknown
0.8 11903.31 11497 unknown
0.75 11464.64 250 unknown
0.7 10984.84 400 unknown
0.65 10463.93 900 unknown
0.6 9901.89 450 unknown
0.55 9298.73 1250 unknown
0.5 8654.45 900 unknown
0.45 7969.05 1400 unknown
0.4 7242.53 1300 unknown
0.35 6474.89 900 unknown
0.3 5666.12 1900 unknown
0.25 4816.24 1700 unknown
0.2 3925.23 800 unknown
0.1 2019.86 700 unknown
0.05 1005.49 800 unknown
0 -50 unknown