Serie : Mela Swamp_core1_serie_1

Id : 719
Author(s) :
Simon Haberle
Contributor(s) :
Core : Mela Swamp_core1


Serie name Mela Swamp_core1_serie_1
Core Mela Swamp_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit µm2/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Haberle, S.G., (1996) Explanations for palaeoecological changes on the northern plains of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands: the last 3200 years. The Holocene, 6, 333-338.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
5.25 5006.02 0.1 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
4.5 3749.21 0.3 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
4 3264.18 0.5 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
3.6 3019.38 0.7 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
3.3 2893.88 0.6 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
2.8 2746.89 0.5 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
2.4 2641.62 1 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
2 2505.28 1.4 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
1.6 2299.09 1.6 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
1.2 1984.25 1.4 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
0.8 1521.98 2.2 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
0.5 1055.19 1.5 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
0.01 24.89 1.6 1.51 < 3.5 cm3