Serie : Hogan's Billabong_core1_serie_1

Id : 749
Author(s) :
Peter Kershaw
Contributor(s) :
Core : Hogan's Billabong_core1


Serie name Hogan's Billabong_core1_serie_1
Core Hogan's Billabong_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit particle/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Reid, M.A., Sayer, C.D., Kershaw, A.P., Heiinis, H. (2007) Palaeolimnological evidence for submerged plant loss in a ?oodplain lake associated with accelerated catchment soil erosion (Murray River, Australia). Journal of Paleolimnology 38: 191-208.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
2.96 1920.42 0.07 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.88 1842.6 0.03 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.8 1764.78 0.2 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.72 1686.96 0.12 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.64 1609.14 0.13 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.56 1531.32 0.06 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.48 1453.5 0.03 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.4 1375.68 0.04 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.24 1220.03 0.06 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.16 1142.21 0.13 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.08 1064.39 0.05 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2 986.57 0.07 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.92 908.75 0.05 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.84 830.93 0.04 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.76 753.11 0.02 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.68 675.29 0.02 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.395 398.05 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.315 320.23 0.03 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.235 242.41 0.06 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.155 164.59 0.93 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.075 141.44 0.08 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.995 130.92 0.04 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.915 120.39 0.08 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.835 109.86 0.08 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.64 84.21 0.06 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.56 73.68 0.06 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.48 63.15 0.09 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.4 52.63 0.18 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.32 42.1 0.13 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.24 31.57 0.12 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.16 21.05 0.19 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.08 10.52 0.14 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.04 5.26 0.13 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.02 2.63 0.12 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0 0 0.1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3