Serie : Aracatuba_core1_serie_2

Id : 754
Author(s) :
Herman Behling
Contributor(s) :
Core : Aracatuba_core1


Serie name Aracatuba_core1_serie_2
Core Aracatuba_core1
Data Source Original charcoal data = AUTH, but for V2.0
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit particle/cm2/yr (Influx)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Hermann Behling (2007). Late Quaternary vegetation, fire and climate dynamics of Serra do Arac¸atuba in the Atlantic coastal mountains of Paran´a State, southern Brazil, Veget Hist Archaeobot (2007) 16:77–85


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
1.2 14428 15270.3 < 0.33 cm3
1.15 13984 22900.1 < 0.33 cm3
1.1 13537 40304.2 < 0.33 cm3
1.05 13076 25018.7 < 0.33 cm3
1 12595 29156.5 < 0.33 cm3
0.95 12084 21605.6 < 0.33 cm3
0.9 11534 30380.4 < 0.33 cm3
0.85 10938 28143 < 0.33 cm3
0.8 10286 16150 < 0.33 cm3
0.75 9571 11962.4 < 0.33 cm3
0.7 8784 6584.2 < 0.33 cm3
0.65 7931 6804.2 < 0.33 cm3
0.6 7035 6016 < 0.33 cm3
0.55 6117 3641.7 < 0.33 cm3
0.5 5200 4532.6 < 0.33 cm3
0.45 4305 5367.9 < 0.33 cm3
0.4 3454 4561.6 < 0.33 cm3
0.35 2669 26628.2 < 0.33 cm3
0.3 1972 14402.5 < 0.33 cm3
0.25 1385 31131.8 < 0.33 cm3
0.2 908 28455.8 < 0.33 cm3
0.15 518 70686.3 < 0.33 cm3
0.1 194 116317.6 < 0.33 cm3
0.05 50 52810 < 0.33 cm3
0 -34 98487.4 < 0.33 cm3