Site : Lake George

Id : 211
Author(s) :
Geoff Hope
Contributor(s) :
Geoff Hope

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Lake George_core1 1 68 22 show


Name Lake George
Region Australia and New Zealand
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Inflow only
Catch size (km²) 750
Basin size (km²) 250
Local vegetation low open forest/woodland
Land description Basin/range


Singh, G., Kershaw, A.P., and Clark, R. (1981) Quaternary vegetation and fire history in Australia, in Gill, A.M., Groves, R.A., and Noble, I.R. (eds) Fire and the Australian Biota, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra: 23-54.
Singh, G., Geissler, E.A. (1985) Late Cainozoic history of vegetation, fire, lake levels and climate at Lake George, New South Wales, Australia, Philosophical Transactions Royal Society London B, 311: 379-447.


Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
OK but DIGI but needs fixing (Core is cut off!)
Added the 2015-03-19 by Sandy Harrison
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