Site : Triangle

Id : 364
Author(s) :
Christopher Carcaillet
Contributor(s) :
Christopher Carcaillet

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Triangle_core1 1 341 8 show


Name Triangle
Region Boreal North America
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Outflow only
Catch size (km²) 10
Basin size (km²) 1
Local vegetation Needle leaf dominant
Land description Hummocky/dissected


Carcaillet C., Almquist H., Asnong H., Bradshaw R.H.W., Carrión J.S., Gaillard M.-J., Gajewski K., Haas J.N., Haberle S.G., Hadorn P., Müller S.D., Richard P.J.H., Richoz I., Rösch M., Sánchez Goñi M.F., von Stedingk H., Stevenson A.C., Talon B., Tardy C.
Carcaillet C., Richard P.J.H., Asnong H., Capece L., Bergeron Y. (2006) Fire and soil erosion history in east Canadian boreal and temperate forests. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 1499-1500.
Asnong and Richard PJH (2003) La végétation et le climat postglaciaire du centre et de l'est de la gaspésie, au Québéc. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 57: 37-63.


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