Site : Neublans

Id : 368
Author(s) :
Boris Vanniere
Contributor(s) :
Boris Vanniere

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Neublans_core1 1 50 3 show


Name Neublans
Region Europe
Type, subtype Lacustrine, In and out flow
Catch size (km²) 750
Basin size (km²) 1
Local vegetation Humid grass land and Populus plantations
Land description Lowland river valley


Vannière, B, 2001. Fire, agropastoralism and environmental dynamics in France during the Holocene. PhD Thesis, National Agronomic Institute of Paris, 329 p.
Vannière, B, Bossuet, G, Walter-Simonnet, AV, Gauthier, E, Barral, P, Petit, C, Buatier, M, Daubigney, A, 2003. Land use change, soil erosion and alluvial dynamic in the lower Doubs Valley over the 1st millenium AD (Neublans, Jura, France). Journal of Arc


Vanierre (1.9 - 1.0 ka)
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
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