Site : Kaipo

Id : 433
Author(s) :
Rewi Newnham
Contributor(s) :
Rewi Newnham

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Kaipo_core1 1 136 0 show


Name Kaipo
Region Australia and New Zealand
Type, subtype Wetlands, Wetland; peat bog
Catch size (km²) 250
Basin size (km²) 25
Local vegetation restiad bog surrounded by subalpine podocarp and beech forest
Land description Mountains


Newnham RM, Lowe DJ (2000) A fine-resolution pollen record of late glacial climate reversal from New Zealand. Geology, 28, 759-762
Hajdas I, Lowe DJ, Newnham RM, Bonani G (2006). Timing of the late-glacial climate reversal in the Southern Hemisphere: a high-precision radiocarbon chronology for Kaipo bog, New Zealand. Quaternary Research 65, 340-345


Newnham (mjp)
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
Missing Flow and DATE_INFO
Added the 2015-03-19 by Sandy Harrison
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