Site : Lake Teletskoye

Id : 527
Author(s) :
Mitchell Power
Contributor(s) :
Mitchell Power

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Lake Teletskoye_core1 1 43 5 show


Name Lake Teletskoye
Region Boreal Asia
Type, subtype Lacustrine, In and out flow
Catch size (km²) 750
Basin size (km²) 750
Local vegetation Siberian pine taiga with scots pine, fir, spruce and shrub alder
Land description Mountains


Andreev A.A., Pierau R., Kalugin I.A., Daryin A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Diekmann B (2007) Environmental changes in the northern Altai during the last millennium documented in Lake Teletskoye pollen record. Quaternary Research 67: 394-399.
Kalugin I., Selegei V., Goldberg E., Seret G. (2005) Rhythmic fine-grained sediment depostion in Lake Teletskoye, Altai, Siberia, in relation to regional climate change, Quaternary International 136: 5-113. (chronology information)


Andreev et al. 2007 (mjp)
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
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