Site : Lac du Thyl

Id : 549
Author(s) :
Christopher Carcaillet
Contributor(s) :
Christopher Carcaillet

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Lac du Thyl_core1 1 494 26 show


Name Lac du Thyl
Region Europe
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Outflow only
Catch size (km²) 10
Basin size (km²) 0.1
Local vegetation Deciduous needleleaf x evergreen needleleaf forest
Land description Mountains


Carcaillet C., Ali A.A., Blarquez O., Genries A., Mourier B., Bremond L. (2009) Spatial variability of fire history in subalpine forests: large and local scale processes during the Holocene (from natural to cultural regimes).
Genries A., Mercier L., Lavoie M., Muller S.D., Radakovitch O. & Carcaillet C. (2009) Role of fire frequency in local alteration of cembra pine population. Ecology


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