Site : Greens Bush

Id : 684
Author(s) :
Scott Mooney
Contributor(s) :
Scott Mooney

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Greens Bush_core1 1 28 8 show


Name Greens Bush
Region Australia and New Zealand
Type, subtype Coastal, Coastal
Catch size (km²) 0
Basin size (km²) 0
Local vegetation NOTK
Land description Unknown


Jenkins,M.A. (1992) A Late Holocene vegetation record from an interdunal swamp,Mornington Peninsula,Victoria.Unpublished M.Env.Sci. thesis,Department of Geography and Environmental Science,Monash University,Melbourne.


Jenkins & Kershaw 1997 (1992)
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
Missing metadata (Basin and Catch Size, Land_Desc, Local and Regional, Flow) and Char Sample_Size, No Depo_Context; (Age model created THP)
Added the 2015-03-19 by Sandy Harrison
changed AGE Model to LINE, changed status to BART, added char sample_size =01CM
Added the 2015-03-19 by Anne-Laure Daniau
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