Site : Caledonia Fen

Id : 731
Author(s) :
Peter Kershaw
Contributor(s) :
Peter Kershaw

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Caledonia Fen_core1 1 170 23 show


Name Caledonia Fen
Region Australia and New Zealand
Type, subtype Wetlands, Wetland; fen; swamp; marsh; mire; permanent
Catch size (km²) 10
Basin size (km²) 0.1
Local vegetation upper limit of montane forest, Eucalyptus delegatensis and E. spp, Dry heathland on rocky exposed ledges or steep gullies, Podocarpus lawrencei (Podocarpaceae)
Land description Mountains


Kershaw, A. P., McKenzie, G. M,. Porch, N., Roberts, R. G., Brown, J., Heijnis,H., Orr,M. L., Jacobsen G., and Newall, P. R. (2007). A high-resolution record of vegetation and climate through the last glacial cycle from Caledonia Fen, southeastern high


No Biome, No Catch Size
Added the 2015-03-19 by Sandy Harrison
Kershaw et al. 2007
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
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