Site : Lynchs Crater

Id : 771
Author(s) :
Janelle Stevenson
Contributor(s) :
Janelle Stevenson

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Lynchs Crater_core1 1 261 0 show


Name Lynchs Crater
Region Australia and New Zealand
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Lacustrine
Catch size (km²) 10
Basin size (km²) 1
Local vegetation Sclerophyll Evergreen
Land description Lowland plain


Kershaw A. P., Bretherton S. C., van der Kaars S. (2007) A complete pollen record of the last 230 ka from Lynch's Crater, north-eastern Australia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 251 : 23–45


Kershaw et al 2007
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
Need to check against tilia files (to large to open) to resolve issue with duplicate entry [THP], Missing Sample_Size, Flow
Added the 2015-03-19 by Sandy Harrison
235 (Lynchs crater) was DUPE - record deleted completly, 902 is the good one
Added the 2015-03-19 by Anne-Laure Daniau
Site checked and complete, the date info is from Turney et al 2001 and Kershaw 1986, age model and data from Kershaw et al 2007
Added the 2015-03-19 by Anne-Laure Daniau
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