Serie : GYXO_serie_1

Id : 1079
Author(s) :
Dmitry Kupriyanov
Contributor(s) :
Core : GYXO


Serie name GYXO_serie_1
Data Source author
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit particle/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Sieved
Proxy method counting Unknown
Novenko, E. Y., Kupryanov, D. A., Mazei, N. G., Prokushkin, A. S., Phelps, L. N., Buri, A., and Davis, B. A. Evidence that modern fires may be unprecedented during the last 3400 years in permafrost zone of central siberia, russia. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (2022), 025004.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
0 0.5 1 -56 -51.5 -47 1 12 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1 1.5 2 -47 -43 -39 1 1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2 2.5 3 -39 -30.5 -22 1 3 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
3 3.5 4 -22 -13.5 -5 1 1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
4 4.5 5 -5 62.5 130 1 10 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
5 5.5 6 130 198 266 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
6 6.5 7 266 362.5 459 1 6 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
7 7.5 8 459 555.5 652 1 1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
8 8.5 9 652 745.5 839 1 1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
9 9.5 10 839 932.5 1026 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
10 11 12 1026 1204.5 1383 1 3 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
12 13 14 1383 1546.5 1710 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
14 14.5 15 1710 1797.5 1885 1 5 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
15 15.5 16 1885 1973 2061 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
16 16.5 17 2061 2137.5 2214 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
17 17.5 18 2214 2291 2368 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
18 18.75 19.5 2368 2453 2538 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
19.5 20.25 21 2538 2602 2666 1 2 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
21 21.5 22 2666 2701.5 2737 1 6 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
22 22.5 23 2737 2769.5 2802 1 1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
23 23.5 24 2802 2834.5 2867 1 3 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
24 24.5 25 2867 2901 2935 1 2 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
25 25.75 26.5 2935 2985 3035 1 1 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
26.5 27.25 28 3035 3084.5 3134 1 5 0.71 < 1.5 cm3