Serie : BWIL2_serie_1

Id : 1081
Author(s) :
Emma Rehn
Contributor(s) :
Core : BWIL2


Serie name BWIL2_serie_1
Core BWIL2
Data Source author
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit particle/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Sieved
Proxy method counting Unknown
Rehn, E 2020, \'Fire and environmental change in northern Australian savannas during the Holocene\', PhD thesis, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
0 0.25 0.5 -63 -57.5 -52 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
0.5 0.75 1 -52 -46.5 -41 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1 1.25 1.5 -41 -36 -31 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
1.5 1.75 2 -31 -25.5 -20 1 0.56617126680821 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2 2.25 2.5 -20 -14.5 -9 1 0.84925690021231 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
2.5 2.75 3 -9 -3 3 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
3 3.25 3.5 3 9 15 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
3.5 3.75 4 15 22.5 30 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
4 4.25 4.5 30 42 54 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
4.5 4.75 5 54 179 304 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
5 5.25 5.5 304 505 706 1 0.56617126680821 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
5.5 5.75 6 706 756.5 807 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
6 6.25 6.5 807 858.5 910 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
6.5 6.75 7 910 962 1014 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
7 7.25 7.5 1014 1063.5 1113 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
7.5 7.75 8 1113 1163 1213 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
8 8.25 8.5 1213 1263 1313 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
8.5 8.75 9 1313 1362 1411 1 0.56617126680821 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
9 9.25 9.5 1411 1461 1511 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
9.5 9.75 10 1511 1574 1637 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
10 10.25 10.5 1637 1709 1781 1 0.2830856334041 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
10.5 10.75 11 1781 2101.5 2422 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
11 11.25 11.5 2422 2851 3280 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
11.5 11.75 12 3280 3457.5 3635 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
12 12.25 12.5 3635 3742 3849 1 0.56617126680821 0.71 < 1.5 cm3
12.5 12.75 13 3849 3849 3849 1 0 0.71 < 1.5 cm3