Serie : ODP-668B_core1_serie_1

Id : 438
Author(s) :
Mitchell Power
Contributor(s) :
Core : ODP-668B_core1


Serie name ODP-668B_core1_serie_1
Core ODP-668B_core1
Data Source digitized
Proxy Black carbon
Proxy unit other (Other)
Proxy method treatment Unknown
Proxy method counting Unknown
Bird, M.I. and J.A. Cali. 2002. A revised high-resolution oxygen-isotope chronology for ODP-668B: implications for Quaternary biomass burning in Africa. Global and Planetary Change 33, 73-76.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
2.271 123502 0.0026 unknown
2.077 114205 0.0003 unknown
1.874 104418 0.0012 unknown
1.619 92186 0.0001 unknown
1.426 82889 0.0007 unknown
1.191 71635 0.0045 unknown
0.988 61848 0.01 unknown
0.927 58912 0.01 unknown
0.835 54509 0.0099 unknown
0.672 46680 unknown
0.448 35371 0.0023 unknown
0.214 13473 0.0005 unknown
0.153 9437 0.0013 unknown
0.102 6184 0.0031 unknown
0.061 3618 0.01 unknown