Serie : West Lomond_core1_serie_1

Id : 896
Author(s) :
Contributor(s) :
Core : West Lomond_core1


Serie name West Lomond_core1_serie_1
Core West Lomond_core1
Data Source
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit µm2/cm3 (Conc)
Proxy method treatment Unknown
Proxy method counting Unknown
Edwards, K. J., G. Whittington, and R. Tipping. 2000. The incidence of microscopic charcoal in late glacial deposits. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164:247-262.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
1.33 9906
1.31 9865
1.27 9786
1.25 9745
1.23 9708
1.21 9666
1.19 9601
1.17 9536
1.15 9486
1.07 9234
1 9042
0.99 9010 0.34
0.95 8903 0.43
0.93 8859
0.91 8796 1.21
0.86 8670 1.01
0.81 8531 4.49
0.7 7906
0.65 7448 4.44
0.63 7276 1.69
0.55 6307
0.53 5883 0.34
0.51 5457 0.43
0.39 3129 1.16
0.37 2975 1.59
0.33 2648 2.56
0.29 2322 0.68
0.27 2148 0.53
0.12 956 0.68
0.07 0.06 494 0.63
0.09 0.08 668 1.16
0.11 0.1 822 0.77
0.15 0.14 1149 0.58
0.17 0.16 1321 0.87
0.19 0.18 1475 0.63
0.21 0.2 1629 0.63
0.23 0.22 1802 1.4
0.25 0.24 1975 0.43
0.32 0.31 2514 4.83
0.35 0.34 2783 4.11
0.41 0.4 3377 0.68
0.43 0.42 3803 0.68
0.45 0.44 4229 0.48
0.47 0.46 4559 1.16
0.49 0.48 5031 0.53
0.57 0.56 6591 3.72
0.59 0.58 6890 0.24
0.62 0.61 7126
0.67 0.66 7598 0.43
0.69 0.68 7770 1.3
0.73 0.72 8067 0.24
0.75 0.74 8199 0.19
0.77 0.76 8316
0.79 0.78 8433 0.72
0.83 0.82 8576 2.32
0.85 0.84 8626 3.09
0.89 0.88 8733 1.06
0.97 0.96 8947 0.97
1.04 1.03 9130 0.68
1.09 1.08 9285
1.11 1.1 9349
1.13 1.12 9407
1.29 1.28 9814
1.35 1.34 9938
1.37 1.36 9971
1.39 1.38 10012