Serie : MLN09B_serie_1

Id : 977
Author(s) :
Buzz Nanavati
Contributor(s) :
Core : MLN09B


Serie name MLN09B_serie_1
Core MLN09B
Data Source author
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit particle/cm2/yr (Influx)
Proxy method treatment Sieved
Proxy method counting Unknown
Iglesias, V., Markgraf, V., Whitlock, C., 2016. 17,000 years of vegetation, fire and climate change in the eastern foothills of the Andes (lat. 44°S). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457, 195-208.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
0 0.255 0.51 -68 59 186 2 0.001003937007874 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
0.51 0.765 1.02 186 310.5 435 2 0.006144578313253 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
1.02 1.275 1.53 435 558 681 2 0.012439024390244 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
1.53 1.785 2.04 681 803.5 926 2 0.0031224489795918 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
2.04 2.295 2.55 926 1047.5 1169 2 0.0073456790123457 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
2.55 2.805 3.06 1169 1290.5 1412 2 0.0010493827160494 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
3.06 3.315 3.57 1412 1532.5 1653 2 0.0031742738589212 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
3.57 3.825 4.08 1653 1772.5 1892 2 0.0010669456066946 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
4.08 4.335 4.59 1892 2010.5 2129 2 0.0010759493670886 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
4.59 4.845 5.1 2129 2246.5 2364 2 0.0010851063829787 1.51 < 3.5 cm3
5.1 5.355 5.61 2364 2479.5 2595 2 0.0022077922077922 1.51 < 3.5 cm3