Site : Esambu

Id : 1136
Author(s) :
Colin Courtney Mustaphi
Contributor(s) :
Colin Courtney Mustaphi

List of cores

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Esambu_core_name 1 125 0 show


Name Esambu
Region Southern Hemisphere Africa
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Closed basin
Catch size (km²) 10
Basin size (km²) 25
Local vegetation wetland
Land description Lowland plain


Githumbi E, et al. 2018. Pollen, people and place: paleoenvironmental, archaeological, and ecological perspectives on vegetation change in the Amboseli landscape, Kenya. Frontiers in Earth Science 5 Article 113: 1-26
Courtney Mustaphi, C J, Shoemaker, A.C., Githumbi, E.N., Kariuki, R., Muriuki, R.M., Rucina, S., Marchant, R. 2015. Historical ecology perspectives of changes in Amboseli, Kenya. GLP Newsletter ? Newsletter of the Global Land Project, Issue 12, November 2015: pp 26-29.\r\n
Githumbi EN, et al. 2018. Late Holocene wetland transgression and 500 years of vegetation and fire variability in the semi-arid Amboseli landscape, southern Kenya. Ambio ? A Journal of the Human Environment.


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