Site : Lago della Costa AP1

Id : 395
Author(s) :
Petra Kaltenrieder
Contributor(s) :
Petra Kaltenrieder

List of cores

Name Nb series Nb analyses Nb ages
Lago della Costa AP1_core1 1 131 34 show


Name Lago della Costa AP1
Region Europe
Type, subtype Lacustrine, Lacustrine
Catch size (km²) 10
Basin size (km²) 1
Local vegetation temperate deciduous forests with mediterranean elements/cultivated
Land description Lowland plain


Kaltenrieder, P., Tinner, W., Ammann, B., Ravazzi, C. (2004) Did temperate European trees survive the full glacial (LGM) near the Alps? First palynological evidences from Colli Euganei near Padova, Northern Italy. 2nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, 2


P. Kaltenreider (in review)
Added the 2014-01-01 by GPD GPD
fixed from PROB to BART, Site has two core, AP1 & AP2, created new age model for AP1, and New Site ID for AP2 - SITE 1116
Added the 2015-03-19 by Mitchell Power
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