Serie : Morro de Itapeva_core1_serie_1

Id : 189
Author(s) :
Mitchell Power
Contributor(s) :
Core : Morro de Itapeva_core1


Serie name Morro de Itapeva_core1_serie_1
Core Morro de Itapeva_core1
Data Source digitized
Proxy Sedimentary charcoal
Proxy unit ratio charcoal / pollen sum (Pollen ratio)
Proxy method treatment Pollen slide
Proxy method counting Unknown
Behling, H, 1997. Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire history from the tropical mountain region of Morro de Itapeva, SE Brazil. Palaeogeogr, Palaeoclimatol, Palaeoecol. 129: 407-422.


Depth up (cm) Depth middle (cm) Depth down (cm) Age up (cal BP) Age middle (cal BP) Age down (cal BP) Volume (cm³) Quantity Sample size
1.399805 39825.06 < 0.33 cm3
1.394942 39076.09 1302.54 < 0.33 cm3
1.332685 29543.1 1598.15 < 0.33 cm3
1.282101 22966 2614.31 < 0.33 cm3
1.235409 19563.62 3787.52 < 0.33 cm3
1.209144 18753.29 1736.72 < 0.33 cm3
1.182879 18381.22 1635.1 < 0.33 cm3
1.132296 17968.58 1487.29 < 0.33 cm3
1.083658 17586.38 1274.82 < 0.33 cm3
1.038911 17234.04 1570.43 < 0.33 cm3
0.987354 16819.57 1441.1 < 0.33 cm3
0.933852 16397.46 1635.1 < 0.33 cm3
0.884241 16041.86 1025.4 < 0.33 cm3
0.829767 15723.46 1949.19 < 0.33 cm3
0.783074 15533.77 2688.22 < 0.33 cm3
0.734436 15317.25 2475.75 < 0.33 cm3
0.711089 15127.37 2457.27 < 0.33 cm3
0.685798 14808.87 2475.75 < 0.33 cm3
0.652724 14149.56 1515.01 < 0.33 cm3
0.64786 14024.53 1062.35 < 0.33 cm3
0.640078 13807.64 942.26 < 0.33 cm3
0.624514 13307.36 1487.29 < 0.33 cm3
0.610895 12790.78 1792.14 < 0.33 cm3
0.599222 12284.39 1413.39 < 0.33 cm3
0.598249 12239.41 1034.64 < 0.33 cm3
0.583658 11510.67 1025.4 < 0.33 cm3
0.55642 9884.73 674.36 < 0.33 cm3
0.532101 8243.73 369.51 < 0.33 cm3
0.512646 6894.91 452.65 < 0.33 cm3
0.487354 5213.27 729.79 < 0.33 cm3
0.461089 3700.13 692.84 < 0.33 cm3
0.434825 2586.06 387.99 < 0.33 cm3
0.423152 2238.81 424.94 < 0.33 cm3
0.40856 1912.23 452.65 < 0.33 cm3
0.383268 1564.66 480.36 < 0.33 cm3
0.36284 1416.45 498.84 < 0.33 cm3
0.340467 1309.24 387.99 < 0.33 cm3
0.316148 1182.42 295.61 < 0.33 cm3
0.290856 1031.3 415.7 < 0.33 cm3
0.259728 836.39 267.89 < 0.33 cm3
0.233463 680.07 212.47 < 0.33 cm3
0.18677 453.22 212.47 < 0.33 cm3
0.13716 278.96 230.94 < 0.33 cm3
0.092412 165.77 387.99 < 0.33 cm3
0.04572 76.96 369.51 < 0.33 cm3
0 -43 591.22 < 0.33 cm3